Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Example research essay topic Ada And Psychiatric Disabilities 1,853 words Essay Example

Model examination paper point: Ada And Psychiatric Disabilities 1,853 words Essay commodation whenever during business. Solicitation for Medical Documentation When the need for convenience isn't self-evident, a business may approach a representative for sensible documentation about his/her inability and practical restrictions. The boss is qualified for realize that the worker has a secured inability for which s/he needs a sensible convenience. Documentation Submitted by Employee An assortment of wellbeing experts may furnish such documentation with respect to mental inabilities, including essential wellbeing care experts, specialists, analysts, mental medical caretakers, and authorized psychological well-being experts, for example, authorized clinical social laborers and authorized proficient advocates. Significant data about a people useful constraints likewise might be gotten from non-experts, for example, the individual, his/her relatives, and companions. Requiring Individual to Go to Employer-Appointed Physician The ADA does not keep a business from requiring a representative to go to a proper wellbeing expert of the businesses decision if the representative at first gives lacking data to validate that s/he has an ADA handicap and needs a sensible settlement. On the off chance that a business requires a worker to go to a wellbeing expert of the businesses decision, the business must compensation all expenses related with the visit(s). At the point when an essential social insurance proficient supplies documentation about a mental incapacity, his/her validity relies upon how well s/he knows the individual and on his/her insight about the mental incapacity. Managers likewise may consider options like having their wellbeing proficient talk with the workers wellbeing proficient, with the workers assent. Chosen Types of Reasonable Accommodation (5:8) Sensible lodging for people with handicaps must be resolved on a one case at a time case premise since working environments and occupations differ, as do individuals with handicaps. Facilities for people with mental inabilities may include changes to work environment approaches, techniques, or then again rehearses. Physical changes to the working environment or additional gear likewise might be powerful sensible lodging for certain individuals. Allowing the utilization of collected paid leave or giving extra unpaid leave for treatment or recuperation identified with a handicap is a sensible settlement, except if (or on the other hand until) the workers nonattendance forces an undue difficulty on the activity of the businesses business. This incorporates leaves of nonappearance, periodic leave (e.g., a couple of hours one after another), what's more, low maintenance booking. We will compose a custom article test on Example research exposition subject: Ada And Psychiatric Disabilities 1,853 words explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Example research exposition point: Ada And Psychiatric Disabilities 1,853 words explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Example research exposition subject: Ada And Psychiatric Disabilities 1,853 words explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer A related settlement is to permit a person with an incapacity to change his/her normally booked working hours, notwithstanding undue difficulty. A few meds taken for mental inabilities cause extraordinary tiredness furthermore, absence of focus in the first part of the day. Contingent upon the activity, a later calendar can empower the worker to perform fundamental occupation capacities. Giving a worker downtime from work or an balanced work routine as a sensible settlement may include altering leave or participation techniques or approaches. For instance, it would be a sensible settlement to alter a strategy expecting representatives to plan get-away time ahead of time if an in any case qualified individual with an incapacity expected to utilize accumulated get-away time on an unscheduled premise due to inability related clinical issues, notwithstanding undue difficulty. Physical changes to the working environment, such as room dividers, parcels, or other soundproofing or visual obstructions between workspaces may oblige people who have handicap related constraints in fixations. Moving an individual away from loud apparatus or decreasing other working environment clamor that can be balanced (e.g., bringing down the volume or pitch of phone) are comparable sensible lodging. Allowing a person to wear earphones to shut out loud interruptions additionally might be viable. A few people who have handicap related constraints in fixation may profit by access to gear like a tape recorder for looking into occasions, for example, preparing meetings or gatherings. Changing Supervisory Strategies In certain conditions, managers might be ready to change their strategies as a sensible settlement by, for instance, conveying assignments, directions, or preparing by the medium that is best for a specific individual (e.g., recorded as a hard copy, in discussion, or by electronic mail); giving or organizing extra preparing or changed preparing materials; or giving increasingly point by point everyday direction, criticism, or structure. A business may be required to give a transitory activity mentor to aid the preparation of a certified person with an incapacity as a sensible settlement, excepting undue difficulty. All in all, reassignment must be considered as a sensible settlement at the point when settlement in the current occupation would cause undue difficulty or would not be conceivable. Reassignment might be thought of if there are conditions under which both the business and worker deliberately concur that it is best to settlement in the current position. Reassignment ought to be made to an equal position that is empty or will get empty inside a sensible measure of time. On the off chance that an identical position isn't accessible, the business must search for an empty situation at a lower level for which the representative is qualified. Reassignment isn't required if an empty situation at a lower level is additionally inaccessible. Medicine checking is anything but a sensible settlement. Managers have no commitment to screen prescription in light of the fact that doing so doesn't evacuate a hindrance that is remarkable to the work environment. The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) gives exhortation for nothing out of pocket to bosses and representatives examining sensible convenience. JAN can be reached at 1-800-ADA-WORK. Conditions may emerge when bosses need to discipline people with mental inabilities for wrongdoing. Viciousness, Threats, Offense The ADA doesn't forestall a business from keeping up a work environment liberated from brutality or dangers of savagery, or from restraining an representative who takes or pulverizes property. In this manner, an boss may teach a representative with a incapacity for participating in such unfortunate behavior on the off chance that it would force a similar control on a representative without an incapacity. Lead Standards Must Be Occupation Related Other direct principles may not be work related for the situation being referred to and predictable with business need (e.g., flawless appearance for non-client contact positions where people appearance were exacerbated by inability). In the event that the direct guidelines are not work related, forcing discipline under them could damage the ADA. Future Compliance With Conduct Norms A business must make sensible settlement to empower an in any case qualified individual with a handicap to meet a direct standard later on, notwithstanding undue difficulty. Since sensible settlement is consistently planned, in any case, a business isn't required to pardon past unfortunate behavior. Worker Who Fails to Take Medication A worker who participates in offense due to his/her disappointment of taking his/her prescription might be told the results of proceeded with offense regarding uniform disciplinary systems. Be that as it may, it is the representatives obligation to choose about prescription and to consider the results of not taking medicine. Under the ADA, a business may legally reject a person from work for wellbeing reasons just if the business can show that work of the individual would represent a direct danger. An immediate danger implies a huge hazard of considerable damage to the wellbeing or security of the individual or others that can't be disposed of or diminished by sensible settlement. A noteworthy hazard is a high hazard, and not only a somewhat expanded hazard. The assurance that an singular represents an immediate danger must be based on an individualized evaluation of the people present capacity to securely play out the elements of the activity, considering a sensible clinical judgment depending on the most current clinical information or potentially the best accessible target proof. History of Psychiatric Inability concerning the work of people with mental inabilities, the boss must recognize the particular conduct that would represent an immediate danger. An individual doesn't represent an immediate danger basically by ideals of having a history of mental handicap or being dealt with for a mental handicap. An individual does not represent an immediate danger exclusively on the grounds that s/he takes a medicine that may reduce coordination for a few people as a symptom. An individualized appraisal must be made. Subsequently, a business must decide the nature and seriousness of the people reactions, how those symptoms impact his/her capacity to securely work the hardware, and whether s/he has had security issues in the past while working the equivalent or comparative hardware while taking the medicine. On the off chance that a huge danger of generous damage exists, at that point a business must decide

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Overview of the Pickle Industry in India

Diagram of the Pickle Industry in India Pickles chutney is the customary claims to fame result of India and has increased a significant situation in the Indian food. They are eaten alongside principle course and give enticing tastes. Pickles are set up from Fruits and Vegetables and they supplement the food with nutrients and minerals. There are numerous sorts of pickles accessible in India like Chilly Pickles, Green Pickles, Lemon Chutney, Mango chutney, Gherkins, Mango Pickles, Onion Prpd/Prsvd and Tomato chutney and so forth. Indias Export of Pickles chutney was Rs. 250.62 Crores in 2007-08. The significant market for Indian Pickles chutney are Russia, U.S.A, Belgium, Netherlands and France. Presentation, history diagram of the companyJashn pickles was before known as blast pickles. Blast pickles was consolidated on may fifteenth 1989 as of late had made colossal progress in india. Be that as it may, because of colossal rivalry the organization couldn't take snappy choices didn't change its procedures in the serious amrket. In the end the generosity of the organization lessened the governing body surrendered. Another board comprising of 4 board individuals from a similar industry were selected. The new board recommended an adjustment in name which was in the long run concurred by the investors the organization law affirmed of it. The assurance difficult work put in by the representatives of the organization paid off jashn pickles currently have fabricating units in all the zones viz north, east, west, south. The organization held its base in mumbai. Systems embraced in indiaThe print media the simpleton confine helped us accomplishing the necessary consideration like the updates on our rebound in the paper TV stations. The announcements on the best transports in mubai, banners in the neighborhood prepares on the ooh media administration in railroads helped us set our picture in the brains of the individuals. Another procedure which is known as the arouse method where you continue rehashing the name in max throttle. This bothers a typical person yet by the day's end the name enrolls in his psyche. Need to go globalGlobalization is essential for the accompanying reasons: 1: benefit expansion: the principle moto of a business is to accomplish benefits. On the off chance that we go into a more extensive market the odds of benefit increments what extraordinary chance to enter the outside market after the accomplishment of your item in india. 2: stale or contracting local markets: the pickle business in india has become quickly lately. A great deal of makers have appeared which has shrinked the market for pickles in india. Despite the fact that covering whole india is absurd as the extension is colossal we have selected to go worldwide. 3: outside income: globalization is important to gain remote trade money for the nation as it is our obligation to acquire for our nation. This will assist us with achieving economies of scale. 4: diminish reliance on single market : as referenced over, the contenders are expanding step by step in india. So to lessen the reliance on a solitary market we intend to go worldwide looking for an a lot greater market less rivalry. WHICH COUNTRY? It is the first run through for jashn pickles to go abroad. Secondary selling research in various nations we focused in on the unified Middle Easterner emirates (uae). The unified Bedouin emirates (uae) is an arranged in the southeast of the Middle Eastern promontory in southwest asia on the persian inlet, flanking oman and saudi arabia. The seven states, named emirates, are abu dhabi, ajman, dubai, fujairah, ras al-khaimah, sharjah and umm al-quwain. The uae, wealthy in oil and petroleum gas, has gotten profoundly prosperous in the wake of increasing outside direct venture financing during the 1970s. The nation has a generally high human improvement file for the asian landmass, positioning 31st internationally, and had a gross domestic product buying power equality of $200.5 billion of every 2009 as per the imf. The number of inhabitants in the nation is 4,621,399. The cash in uae is dirhams (1 dirham = 13 inr). We will target 3 of the 7 emirates I.E. Abu dhabi,dubai sharjah as our first objective crowd is indians these three emirates establish a higher level of indians. WHY UAE? Indians in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) comprise a huge piece of populace of the nation. Over a million Indian vagrants are assessed to be living in the UAE (2000), who structure over 40% of the absolute populace of the UAE. A greater part of Indians live in the three biggest urban communities of the UAE Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. Indian contact with the emirates that currently establish the UAE goes back a few centuries, because of exchange and trade between the emirates and India. All the more as of late, the UAE has encountered a gigantic increment in the number of inhabitants in Indians who, having relocated to the nation because of chances in oil, development and different ventures, far dwarf the number of inhabitants in neighborhood Emiratis. While most Indian vagrants bolster the assembling and transport businesses, a sizable minority of transients are engaged with proficient administrations and enterprise. Relations among India and the UAE have generally been well disposed, however late episodes identifying with the treatment of the Indian transient work power by organizations in the UAE have been the wellspring of rubbing between the two countries. Likewise UAE is the center for sends out in the bay so it will be simpler for us later on to trade in inlet nations. Items IN UAE Conventional Extraordinary RECIPIES JASHN SPECIALITIES DIET PICKLES NON-VEG PICKLES Mango Cured potatoes Cheddar plunges embellished with zatar Soya pickles Chicken pickles Lemon Cured mushrooms Lemon jelly Unpleasant watchman pickles Prawn pickles Blend vegetable Cured okra Strawberry Pickles Amla pickles Fish pickles Green stew Cured chickpeas Sheep pickles Red stew Cured lentils Eggplant Carrot Onions Garlic pickles AN ARTICLE ON PICKLES A report by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) expressed that during the year 2000-01, absolute creation of pickles was 13645.16 measurement tones and in 2002-03 the nation earned Rs 154.16 lakh through fares. The fares could be multiplied whenever gave endeavors were made to compose the pickle business. Be that as it may, by utilizing little consideration and straightforward innovation, pickles can be arranged and saved for an extensive stretch, the report proposed. The better parts of pickle making can boosting fare of this delicacy from India. So as to conquer harsh taste of pickles the report brought up that flavors ought not be cooked for quite a while and a low grouping of vinegar ought to be utilized. Exacting sterile practice and iron utensils be rarely utilized. The rubbish arrangement in pickles happens when gentle yeast picks up section into the pickles. The issue can be overwhelmed by including acidic corrosive. With respect to in pickles, the report said this can be found in onion pickles or where entire natural products or vegetables are the material for pickle making. It very well may be checked by utilizing little and meager finished material for pickle making particularly onions. Flaws in pickles can be found in the event of onion pickles and is because of an aging. Such deformity can be forestalled by utilizing new vinegar at the hour of restoring. Great quality oil and flavors ought to be utilized for getting best flavor in pickles. LEVELS OF A PRODUCT The CORE item isn't the unmistakable, physical item. That is on the grounds that the center item is the BENEFIT of the item that makes it important to you. So with the vehicle model, the advantage is comfort for example the straightforwardness at which you can go where you like, when you need to. Another center advantage is speed since you can go around generally rapidly. The ACTUAL item is the substantial, physical item. You can receive some utilization in return. Again with the vehicle model, the vehicle you test drive, purchase and afterward gather. The AUGMENTED item is the non-physical piece of the item. It for the most part comprises of heaps of included worth, for which you might pay a premium. So when you purchase a vehicle, some portion of the increased item would be the guarantee, the client care support offered by the vehicles make, and any after-deals administration. TRANSPORTATION IT IS SAID THAT ONE OF THE MAJOR LOGISTICAL BLABBER IS THE TRANSPORTATION. On account of JASHN PICKLES EXPORTING TO UAE IT IS NOT THAT DIFFICULT AS THE SEA TRANSPORT IS MUCH CHEAPER QUICK. OUR CONSIGNMENT WILL LEAVE FROM THE JNPT (JAWAHARLAL NEHRU PORT TRUST) IN NAVI MUMBAI TO JABEL ALI PRT IN DUBAI WHICH IS A FREE TRADE AREA. FROM THE JABEL ALI PORT OUR CONSIGNMENT WILL GO TO THE DEALERS IN DUBAI THEN TO THE WHOLESALERS THEN TO THE RETAILERS SUPERMARKETS OR RESTAURANTS FROM THERE FINALLY TO THE CUSTOMER. THE COST OF TRANSPORTATION WILL NOT BE HUGE AS THE IMPORT DUTY IN UAE IS JUST 5% THE UAE GOVERNMENT HAVE GIVEN US CERTAIN BENEFITS AS THE TRADE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES IS VERY GOOD. Showcasing MIX FOR A COMPANY TO SUCCEED IN A GLOBAL MARKET THE 4 PS OF MARKETING SHOULD BE VERY CLEAR. Item Spot Cost Advancement Bundling A decent bundle for pickles ought to have the accompanying properties: Fragrance maintenance Incredible insurance against light, dampness and oxygen Incredible seal trustworthiness for control Oil and oil opposition Corrosive opposition Great feel and appearance Kinds of Packaging for Pickles Generally, the training was to get ready pickles at home and store in clay or pottery containers. Bit by bit throughout the years, pickles are made and monetarily advertised in the nation, as marked items. In our nation, still enormous amount of pickle is sold free. The businessperson shows different kinds of pickles in enormous glass shakes, and weighs out wanted amount of pickle to his clients. The client believes the businessperson for the quality and not the brand name. Be that as it may, step by step pickle stuffed in glass bottles under various brand names, showed up in the market and got mainstream. The pattern began in Maharashtra and G

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Risks of Smoking Bidi Cigarettes

The Risks of Smoking Bidi Cigarettes Addiction Nicotine Use The Inside of Cigarettes Print The Risks of Smoking Bidi Cigarettes By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 08, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 07, 2020 National Cancer Institute More in Addiction Nicotine Use The Inside of Cigarettes After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery As of Dec. 20, 2019, the new legal age limit is 21 years old for purchasing cigarettes, cigars, or any other tobacco products in the U.S. Bidis (pronounced bee-dees and also known as beedis) are small hand-rolled cigarettes made of tobacco and wrapped in tendu or temburni  leaf (plants that are native to Asiaâ€"Diospyros melanoxylon). They are  manufactured in India and other southeast Asian countries and exported to more than 100 countries. In India, bidi cigarettes are cheaper and more heavily consumed than traditional commercial cigarettes. It is a common misconception that because the cigarettes are less expensive, they are also less harmful.  That is a dangerous misconception. Cigarettes With Training Wheels Referred to as cigarettes with training wheels by health authorities, the overall appearance and taste of this product are  especially appealing to young people just like clove cigarettes. Typically tied on one or both ends with bits of colorful string, bidis are produced in a variety of flavors that would appeal to kids, including chocolate, mango, vanilla, lemon-lime, mint, pineapple, and cherry. Are Clove Cigarettes a Healthier Way to Smoke? Bidi cigarettes gained popularity in the United States in the mid-1990s. By 1999, there was a call to action against bidis by the State Attorneys General. They urged Congress and federal officials to stop the import of this toxic product geared toward children.   Attorney General Tom Miller stated: Bidis are more damaging to health than traditional cigarettes, and they are flavored to make them attractive to children. Thats a lethal combination. Young American smokers were attracted to bidis  because they were easier to obtain than traditional cigarettes, provided a rush of nicotine, were small and flavored and looked like marijuana joints. Bidi consumption significantly declined in February of 2014 when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered four brands of bidi cigarettes to be removed from the market. The bidis manufacturers were not able (or were unwilling) to provide documentation that proves the products do not raise new or different health concerns for the general public.   Brands Removed From The Market Sutra BidisSutra Bidis RedSutra Bidis MentholSutra Bidis Red Cone This bidi ban was the first tobacco ban put in place as a result of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act that gives the FDA the authority to regulate tobacco products was in the United States.   Bidis can still be purchased online, but have lost popularity in the United States since the ban. Are Bidi Cigarettes More or Less Harmful Than Regular Cigarettes? In some respects, bidis are more harmful than regular commercial cigarettes produced in the U.S. Bidi cigarettes contain three to five times the amount of  nicotine  as traditional cigarettes.Bidi cigarettes contain more  tar  and  carbon monoxide  than  regular cigarettes. Since they dont have chemicals added to help with combustion, smokers must draw on a bidi cigarette more often and with more force to keep it from going out. This results in higher levels of toxins breathed in than with traditional cigarettes. On regular cigarettes, the average smoker takes 9 puffs. On bidi cigarettes, smokers puff approximately 28 times. The Health Risks of Bidi Smoking People who smoke bidis increase their risk of oral cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, and esophageal cancer.The risk of heart disease and heart attack is three times higher for bidi smokers than nonsmokers.Bidi smoking is associated with emphysema and increases the  risk of chronic bronchitis. Bidi cigarettes are hazardous to human health and should not a safe smoking alternative. Parents of kids in countries where bidi smoking is still prevalent should proactively teach their children early on about the dangers of bidi cigarettes and smoking in general.

The Risks of Smoking Bidi Cigarettes

The Risks of Smoking Bidi Cigarettes Addiction Nicotine Use The Inside of Cigarettes Print The Risks of Smoking Bidi Cigarettes By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 08, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 07, 2020 National Cancer Institute More in Addiction Nicotine Use The Inside of Cigarettes After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery As of Dec. 20, 2019, the new legal age limit is 21 years old for purchasing cigarettes, cigars, or any other tobacco products in the U.S. Bidis (pronounced bee-dees and also known as beedis) are small hand-rolled cigarettes made of tobacco and wrapped in tendu or temburni  leaf (plants that are native to Asiaâ€"Diospyros melanoxylon). They are  manufactured in India and other southeast Asian countries and exported to more than 100 countries. In India, bidi cigarettes are cheaper and more heavily consumed than traditional commercial cigarettes. It is a common misconception that because the cigarettes are less expensive, they are also less harmful.  That is a dangerous misconception. Cigarettes With Training Wheels Referred to as cigarettes with training wheels by health authorities, the overall appearance and taste of this product are  especially appealing to young people just like clove cigarettes. Typically tied on one or both ends with bits of colorful string, bidis are produced in a variety of flavors that would appeal to kids, including chocolate, mango, vanilla, lemon-lime, mint, pineapple, and cherry. Are Clove Cigarettes a Healthier Way to Smoke? Bidi cigarettes gained popularity in the United States in the mid-1990s. By 1999, there was a call to action against bidis by the State Attorneys General. They urged Congress and federal officials to stop the import of this toxic product geared toward children.   Attorney General Tom Miller stated: Bidis are more damaging to health than traditional cigarettes, and they are flavored to make them attractive to children. Thats a lethal combination. Young American smokers were attracted to bidis  because they were easier to obtain than traditional cigarettes, provided a rush of nicotine, were small and flavored and looked like marijuana joints. Bidi consumption significantly declined in February of 2014 when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered four brands of bidi cigarettes to be removed from the market. The bidis manufacturers were not able (or were unwilling) to provide documentation that proves the products do not raise new or different health concerns for the general public.   Brands Removed From The Market Sutra BidisSutra Bidis RedSutra Bidis MentholSutra Bidis Red Cone This bidi ban was the first tobacco ban put in place as a result of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act that gives the FDA the authority to regulate tobacco products was in the United States.   Bidis can still be purchased online, but have lost popularity in the United States since the ban. Are Bidi Cigarettes More or Less Harmful Than Regular Cigarettes? In some respects, bidis are more harmful than regular commercial cigarettes produced in the U.S. Bidi cigarettes contain three to five times the amount of  nicotine  as traditional cigarettes.Bidi cigarettes contain more  tar  and  carbon monoxide  than  regular cigarettes. Since they dont have chemicals added to help with combustion, smokers must draw on a bidi cigarette more often and with more force to keep it from going out. This results in higher levels of toxins breathed in than with traditional cigarettes. On regular cigarettes, the average smoker takes 9 puffs. On bidi cigarettes, smokers puff approximately 28 times. The Health Risks of Bidi Smoking People who smoke bidis increase their risk of oral cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, and esophageal cancer.The risk of heart disease and heart attack is three times higher for bidi smokers than nonsmokers.Bidi smoking is associated with emphysema and increases the  risk of chronic bronchitis. Bidi cigarettes are hazardous to human health and should not a safe smoking alternative. Parents of kids in countries where bidi smoking is still prevalent should proactively teach their children early on about the dangers of bidi cigarettes and smoking in general.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

History and Medication of ADHD - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 374 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: ADHD essay Did you like this example? Until the later half of the 20th cenutry, treating childhood behavior problems with medication was an almost nonexistent. The Americans migration toward psychiatric drug therapy for behavior-disordered children began in the 1960s, when American medical professional made it acceptable to use psychostimulants to treat symptoms to what is now described as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Over the last 30 years the rate of drug treatment for behavior problems has increased exponentially. Resulting in the prescription of ADHD drug treatment for 5 to 6 million American children every year. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "History and Medication of ADHD" essay for you Create order The high rate of prescription for Ritalin and expensive brand-name drugs such as Adderall, Concerta, and Metadate reflect a reliance on psychotropic drugs in American healthcare practices. The all time high levels of drug treatment for child behavior problems are raising questions and concerns by professionals, media commentators, and the public about the possibility of overdiagnosis of ADHD in youth and the possibility of overprescribing stimulant medications. What is not being considered in this debate is the role corporate greed plays in over diagnosing cases of ADHD. An article by Harvard Medical School reads, Experts estimate that 5% is a realistic upper limit of children with the disorder (ADHD), but in many areas of the country, as Watson found in Virginia, up to 33% of children are diagnosed with ADHD. Schwarz explores how this came to pass. He investigates pharmaceutical companies collaboration with leading academic experts and celebrities combined with aggressive direct-to-consumer advertising campaigns to boost recognition of and pharmacotherapy for the condition. Schwartz believes the overdiagnosis of ADHD is due to the medias recent positive attitude and attention toward it. He is using the logical fallacy of a slippery slope. He believes that when people see celebrities normalizing ADHD, these people start showing symptoms, and are then diagnosed with ADHD, which has lead to the rapid increase in ADHD diagnosis. The newfound celebrity attention and advocacy for ADHD alone is not enough to have resulted in such an exponential increase in ADHD diagnosis. In another article, by Allen Frances says, I was always suspicious that the high rates of diagnosis and prescription for ADHD came about because researchers based their figures on reports from parents, who in turn based their beliefs on teachers or doctors with no credible evidence.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mass Incarceration A Public Policy Issue Essay - 1329 Words

Mass incarceration became a public policy issue in the United States in the early 2010s. Now in 2016, there is still much debate over the country’s incarcerated population and incarceration rate. The nation has the highest incarcerated population in the world, with 2,217,947 inmates, in front of China with 1,649,804. America incarcerates 693 inmates per 100,000 residents, only the African island nation Seychelles incarcerates at a higher rate, with 799 for every 100,000 residents. The problem of mass incarceration continues to be assessed in various contexts. Recent analyses are historian Elizabeth Hinton’s From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime, legal scholar Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow, and criminologist Dr. Elizabeth Brown’s â€Å"Toward Refining the Criminology of Mass Incarceration: Group-Based Trajectories of U.S. States, 1977—2010.† With regard to solutions, considerable attention has been paid to the federal prison system. Between 1980 and 2013, the federal prison population increased by 790% from 24,640 to 219,298. Since peaking, the number of federal prisoners has lowered to 190,452 today. The decline is the result of criminal justice reform efforts in the past few years, such as former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s modification of the Department of Justice’s charging policies in 2010 and the U.S. Sentencing Commission’s passage of Amendment 782 (â€Å"drugs minus two†) in 2014. In spite of their moderate success, such responses have failed toShow MoreRelatedRacism And Incarceration Rates Among African Americans And Hispanics Essay1581 Words   |  7 PagesStates prison system and the gap of incarceration rates among African Americans, Hispanics, and White males. According to a research by Prison Policy Initiative both African Americans and Hispanics are imprisoned at 5.1 ti mes and 1.8 times higher than the rate of White Americans for every 100,000 incarcerations, respectively. Throughout the history of the United States, it is obvious that the reasons for the disparity of the incarceration rate are related to policies, irregularities, and implicit prejudicesRead MoreQuavyon Green . Professor Irwin . English 1113 . 2/19/2017 .987 Words   |  4 Pages1800s  before the Civil war started. She offers her perspective on the mass incarceration of African American men  in the US. Taking shots  at all she holds responsible for the  issues.  She explores the social and systematic influence of racial stereotypes and  policies that support  incarceration of minorities. She  explains that minorities  are  discriminated against legally for their whole   lives. By  being denied employment, housing, education, and  public benefits. 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Prior to studying sociology and public policy, I was very uninformed and oblivious to the injusticesRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1239 Words   |  5 PagesIn 2013, Michelle Alexander published her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, hoping it served as a call to action. Immediately this book received a huge amount of attention because of the controversial topics presented. This book opened a lot of people’s eyes to the term colorblindness, a sociological perspective referring to the disregard of racial characteristics. There is no racial data or profiling, no classifications, and no categorizations or distinctionsRead MoreMass Incarceration During The United States1322 Words   |  6 PagesMonroe Craver Mrs. Gallos English 3 Honors 30 March 2017 Mass Incarceration in the United States There are too many people in prison in our country and any people in prison today are non-violent drug offenders. The American war on drugs has targeted people in poverty and minorities, who are more likely to be involved in drug use. This has created a pattern of crime and incarceration and â€Å"...[a] connection between increased prison rates and lower crime is tenuous and small.† (Wyler). The prison

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effect of Fashion on Teenagers - 848 Words

... [said in a girly voice and spoken really fast] Well Hi there! My name’s Isla. I like to wear revealing clothes, flunk out of maths, call everything hot, say like like 365 times a day and wear a CM thick layer of make up that takes an hour to apply every day. [said on a monotone with my nose blocked.] Salutations. My name is Isla; but you can call me Cyber Queen, I’m the third gamer in New Zealand to defeat the level 64 boss. [said in a low American gangsta voice/accent.] Sup ma homey G. The names I-dog. In my spare time I enjoy low riding baggy jeans, wearing backwards caps, and thinking I’m too cool for you. [said in a low depressed voice]My name is Misery. I like to sit in corners and cut myself, and just†¦show more content†¦It may be that this girl isn’t very confident. She may find herself giving in to the pressure from her friends to dress like them. Sometimes trends like that eat away at your personality until there’s nothing left except for what everyone else in your clique wants you to be. Fashion is a funny thing. It makes us work so hard to be something we’re just... not. If you look through any magazines you own, you’ll probably find that any of the women in there are of the same build. Tall, elegant, really creepy skinny, tanned... I’m sure you know the type. Isn’t this a horrible example for anyone reading them? because fashion doesn’t only apply to clothing. It applies to bodies as well. From a young age, whenever we see pictures of people of billboards, and on advertisements, we are brought up to think that everyone has to look like Johnny Depp, or Jessica Alba. We’re brought up to think that there’s only one way to look. This is not fair, and not true. There’s something I find really hilarious. There’s a new style that was started not long ago, called scene kidds. This style focuses on individuality and embracing your flaws. But what a lot of the scene kids are doing, is copying each other. They steal little bits from everyone else, to make themselves into what they want to be. That must be what’s happening, otherwise there’d only be one scene kidd. Right? So what they’re really saying toShow MoreRelatedA Typology Of Fashion Violence Essay1692 Words   |  7 PagesBusch, Otto Von, and Ylva Bjereld. â€Å"A Typology of Fashion Violence.† Critical Studies in Fashion Beauty 7.1 (2016): 89-107. Web. In the article published by research journal Intellect, Otto Von Busch, a professor of the New School of Design, and Ylva Bjereld, a doctorate of the University of Gothenburg, discuss the effects that fashion has on people. In this article, â€Å"fashion is examined as an everyday site for establishing social distinctions, whereRead More TV MYTHS Essay1585 Words   |  7 Pagesconstructed, developed, and eventually discarded. Programs like Saved by the Bell, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Family Guy and The O.C. exemplify this concept by reinforcing or undermining traditional family structure, dictating the latest fashion, and moulding the ‘ideal’ teenager. As a result, society plans their daily routine around these modern day ‘values’. The mythology of fatherhood that TV constructed and developed from the 1950s to the early 2000s began with the traditional patriarchal family structureRead MoreEthics of the Textile Industry1463 Words   |  6 Pagesgrowing problem in the fashion world which often goes unheard of. While outworkers are facing poverty, Australian teenage fashion consumers are oblivious to this extreme ethical issue. Young people should be addressing the outworking industry in Australia in an attempt to improve the current and future economical and ethical situations. This essay will investigate the working conditions of outworkers, the amount of knowledge young Australians have about outworkers, the effect of the outworking industryRead MoreThe, Colorado And California A M Kingsville975 Words   |  4 Pagesto have the body that Julia has, the hottest model in Victoria’s Secret, but according to her, she is fat in contrast with her, also she want to emulate Julia in every aspect of her day li fe. Like Tina, many girls are fascinating in the way that fashion is, with exotic designs or unique smell, but they do not recognize that advertising is striking them more than they believe. Eating disorders and self-esteem problems are an unexpected result of advertising, to solve the problems, companies couldRead MoreFashion in the 1950s1437 Words   |  6 PagesFashion in the 1950s had spawned a wide variety of styles with elements of originality as well as new distinctive styles, which had added a classic new age twist to the history of European fashion. Recovering from the catastrophic tragedies from the Second World War, the fifties had given hope to the people and also a new start of life of many people to choose their future freely. Due to the massive recover of the economy, the technological advancement allowed mass production of clothing in the fiftiesRead MoreThe Problem Of Peer Pressure953 Words   |  4 Pages Today, teenagers are faced with problems that they do no t know how to handle. A teenager is anywhere from a 13 year old to a 19 year old, so problems change depending on the stages of life. Some are worried about school, being that â€Å"perfect† student, grades, and college. While others are counting down the days for the next party over the weekend. Of course everyone is different, but most teenagers deal with the same problems. Peer pressure, beauty, responsibility, and the future, are common forRead MoreThe Fashion Choices People Make Should Not Define Who They Are1288 Words   |  6 PagesThe fashion choices people make should not define who they are. People should be judged based on their actions and not by their fashion choices. Passing judgement based on looks can hurt others and cause issues in society. Some people are required to dress in a certain fashion, but that does not determine whether they are good or bad. I chose this argument topic because it involves my major in fashion and also an issue for which I can relat e. The study of fashion and sociology can relate in someRead MorePop Cultures Influence on Teenagers Essay1403 Words   |  6 PagesPop culture, a phenomenon, that has taken root all across the nation. The misleading term culture contact doesnt begin to express the dramatic effects of changes brought by outsiders the shock of contact has taken many forms, initially, at least, to indigenous people just the physical presence of outsiders was shocking. As Northrop Frye would put it, â€Å"Popular art is normally decried as vulgar by the cultivated people of its time; then it loses favor with its original audience as a new generationRead MoreEssay on Media Has a Negative Influence on Children649 Words   |  3 Pagesor an unclear idea of whats right and wrong, media violence can have a greater effect. Music is a big part of a teenagers life. Children learn from what they see and hear. Parents are worried about his, but as they get older they pay less attention to what their children listen to. Artists influence teens to dress or act a certain way. Teenagers try to act like their idols. Music can be very powerful. Teenagers that have tried to commit suicide or committed crimes have blamed it on the songsRead MoreThe Media And Its Effects On Teen And Young Undeveloped Brains1237 Words   |  5 PagesThe advertising business views teenagers in society as a viable market section, due to their immature understanding of the media and its dazzling impact on teen and young undeveloped brains. The media is progressively specializing in children and adolescents to captivate with advertisements. according to market research corporations, teenagers are vital to marketers because they can pay a considerable open income, spend family cash easily, and they are easily able to influence thei r families to spend

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Issues in Business Communication Free Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Write an Essay on Contemporary Issues in Business Communication. Answer: Introduction The ability of a business to communicate is important for a business to success. It is necessary to communicate in an effective manner not with the employees but with the clients as well. Communication is one of the important factors for attaining efficacy in business. However there are challenges that business are facing in a multidimensional business organization. Technology is one of effective tool that is used by business organizations to manage functions. Understanding the business problem is important in order to find an appropriate solution. The most important aspect of communication is to listen to the problems in order to develop skills. This is one of the efficient techniques used in order to manage excess pressure. It is evident that the modern business organization should develop effective communication procedures in order to attain desired results. In order to avoid the level of frustration a business origination need to develop effective market strategies. These strateg ies will help the organization in order to get the effective result. The contemporary businesses are undergoing major issues in dealing with the problems. The report establishes necessity of communication in modern business organization. The report also includes the contemporary issues in business communication faced by Pauls in Australia. Companys Overview Pauls is an extraordinary dairy passionate about making great tasting products that are packed with real goodness. They are selling dairy products that include milk, cream, custard, yoghurt and flavored milk. They are currently known as number 1 milk and dairy brand. The company is supporting hundreds of Australian farmers and produces wholesome Australian milk. They are known for providing extraordinary quality products (Pauls, 2017). Contemporary issues in Business Communication One of the major issues faced by the modern organization in managing an organization is related to effective communication. It is difficult for the teams to communicate with the teams in an effective manner. This is important task for a business organization to find out an effective way through which communication is carried in an organization (Ferraro and Brody, 2015). Pauls has to manage the team in an effective manner in order to attain efficacy. It is difficult to manage conflicts in teams. It is evident that the organization needs to resolve the conflicts by expressing opinion (Rothaermel, 2015). There should be a proper agreement regarding idea, rules and principles. This is important for an organization to develop cohesiveness in order to attain efficient results. Communication barrier needs to be effectively addressed through free flow of information. Moreover there should be proper consensus between the teams. In this way the organization can address the problems in an effec tive manner (Hill, Jones and Schilling, 2014). Modern organizations are facing problems in managing the function due to maximum outreach. It is a matter of great concern that Paul has maximum outreach in Australia. It is difficult to communicate effectively with the stakeholders. It is important to form efficient relationship with the stakeholders in order to attain long-term profitability. Communication effectively is becoming an issue in modern business organization (Martin and Nakayama, 2013). With global competition it is becoming difficult for the business organizations to manage communication. Large size business organizations are using effective communication channels to communicate with the stakeholders. In such a competitive atmosphere it has become important to deal appropriately with the communication issues (Burdine, 2015). Communication is the lifeline of a business and it is important for the business organizations to effectively evaluate the necessity regarding the issues related to communication. It is essential to establish an effective communication channel between the subsidiaries in order to resolve the issues (Slack, 2015). The modern business organization is finding difficulty in managing the operations across the different channel of business. It is important for the business to establish an effective business channel or hierarchy system in order to address the issues. It is seen that the business organizations are facing problems in meeting the targets (Cornelissen, 2014). In such a situation it is evident that the proper mechanism needs to be followed so that the issues can be addressed smoothly. By far the organization is working in Australia; it may plan to expand its business functions effectively so that the goals can be attained (Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes, 2015). Professional business communication requires proper addressing of issues occurring at the initial level. Majority of organization find difficulty in managing wok due to inefficiency in professional communication. Sustainability at work can only be attained in an effective manner if the organization wants to adopt efficiency. In such a competitive atmosphere it is necessary that Paul need to address the issues that can create a problem in a future date. Communication need to be effective enough in order to address the serious issues (Morden, 2016). In such a competitive scenario the problem can only be addressed if the organization follows an effective business communication channel. Competitive business environment can create issues for the company and it has become evident that the business needs to develop a business atmosphere to overcome the problem (Frynas and Mellahi, 2015) Opportunities Small business organizations have wider opportunities in order to manage the functions in an effective manner. If an organization adopts an effective business communication channel then they can easily overcome the issues they are facing. It is important for the small size business to manage the communication related issues. In case of multiple issues in an organization it is important to address the issues in an effective manner. There are no intercultural issues in the company as it only operates in Australia. Under such a competitive business atmosphere it is necessary to develop efficiency by focusing on every individual unit established locally. In such a disruptive business atmosphere it is necessary to find out an appropriate way to deal with the problems occurring at different level (Stead and Stead, 2013; Hubbard, Rice and Galvin, 2014.). Recommendations and conclusion Communication issues occur everywhere whether the organization is big or small. It is evident that the business can only attain efficiency if the problems are addressed in an effective manner. The most important aspect of communication is to listen to the problems in order to develop skills. It is recommended to Paul that they need to follow an effective communication channel in order to deal with the problems. Majority of problems in an organization occurs due to ineffective communication channel. The issues are not addressed effectively in the business organizations that creates problem. It is evident that Paul should conduct a thorough study in the organizational culture. This will help the organization in earning better understanding. It is necessary that the problems need to be addressed at a lower level. This will allow organization to cope up with the issues and to form efficiencies. It is difficult for the teams to communicate with the teams in an effective manner. Team manag ement and communication is one of the crucial issues occurring in the business organization. This is however necessary to develop effective business channel so that communication barriers are easily resolved at a primary level. To conclude the report includes all the important aspect required to meet the issues occurring in a business organization. Paul is a famous business organization in Australia. As per the current situation it is seen that the local organizations are facing issues due to multinational companies. In such a situation it is important to develop effective business atmosphere so that the clangs can be addressed. The report addresses all the major issue and suggests appropriate techniques to meet the targets. Each company can only develop if they follow an appropriate communication channel. References Burdine,A.2015. 10 Common Business Communication Problems and 20 Solutions. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 27 April 2017 Cornelissen, J., 2014.Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Ferraro, G. and Brody, E.K., 2015.Cultural Dimension of Global Business. Routledge. Frynas, J.G. and Mellahi, K., 2015.Global strategic management. Oxford University Press, USA. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014.Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Hubbard, G., Rice, J. and Galvin, P., 2014.Strategic management. Pearson Australia. Martin, J.N. and Nakayama, T.K., 2013.Experiencing intercultural communication. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Morden, T., 2016.Principles of strategic management. Routledge. Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H. and Zentes, J., 2015.Strategic international management. Springer. Pauls, 2017. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 27 April 2017 Rothaermel, F.T., 2015.Strategic management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Slack, N., 2015.Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Stead, J.G. and Stead, W.E., 2013.Sustainable strategic management. ME Sharpe.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Application of Eugenics Practices

In sociology, a bio-social environment can largely benefit from the applied science of eugenics. In other words, eugenics supports the study of modifying or boosting the genetic make-up of any sample of a population.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Application of Eugenics Practices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In most cases, the human population is the major target in the application of eugenics practices. It is also imperative to mention that eugenics is a broad social philosophy that attempts to improve the productivity and genetic wellbeing of certain individuals, while lowering the productivity of some individuals by modifying their genetic make-up. It is definite that eugenics has been a subject of great discourse and controversy since the time it was developed and adopted. During the first few decades of the 20th century, eugenics had attained high popularity especially in the western world. It had been recognized as a formidable social movement. For instance, institutions, influential individuals as well governments were already propagating and advocating the practice of eugenics before the mid 20th century. Although the identification and understanding of certain features and compositions of genes have been facilitated in the study of genetics, there are still no definite and approved scientific methods that can be used to evaluate traits that may finally be useful. However, eugenics has been moderately applied in boosting body defense against diseases such as Cholera and Malaria. In terms of genetic diversity, it is worth to mention that policies that promote eugenics are likely to interfere with the natural diversity of genes among various populations. There is a wide pool of scientific evidences which have demonstrated that vulnerability towards certain ailments could be rife especially among populations with modified genes. For instance, individuals whose genes have been incapacitated find it difficult to adapt effectively against prevailing environmental conditions. Needless to say, when undesired genes are eliminated in the process of eugenics, the diversity of genes portfolio is equally reduced leading to unbalanced population in terms of various personalities needed to supplement society. Individuals and corporate bodies who support the practice of eugenics argue that the process of eliminating genes may not necessarily impact a population negatively because it as slow program that can be reversed whenever undesired consequences are noted.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They also reiterate that when a particular program on eugenics is adopted, any unwanted consequences can be noted in advance and therefore controlled accordingly. Additionally, they observe that in case of any significant reduction in gene diversity, then it will take remar kably long period of time with negligible effects. Therefore, there is no cause for alarm over the practice of eugenics. The autism rights’ movements have also entangled themselves in the controversies surrounding eugenics. When genes are predisposed among individual with autism, it is definite that the rate of autism can be reduced. However, autistic movements argue that there is no need of lowering the rate of autism using eugenics because it is an integral component of brain diversity. On the same note, the Down syndrome’s advocacy groups also purport that the latter condition is part and parcel of neurodiversity that should not be interfered with at all. Finally, it is vital to mention the relevance of heterozygous recessive traits in relation to the practice of eugenics. There are scenarios when it is practically impossible to eliminate single-gene mutations. It is against this backdrop that genes with heterozygous recessive traits may be difficult to eradicate du e to myriads of carriers that are attached to them. Therefore, eugenics is a scientific attempt in gene mutation that has not achieved complete success. This essay on The Application of Eugenics Practices was written and submitted by user Wendell Vaughn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Process of Elimination on the SAT 11 Key Tips

Process of Elimination on the SAT 11 Key Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips With the guessing penalty eliminated for the redesigned SAT, you should guess on any question you can’t answer, because you won’t be penalized for wrong guesses. However, that doesn’t mean that guessing completely randomly is a good idea. You should always use the process of elimination as much as you are able to increase your chances of getting the right answer. In this article, I’ll explain how eliminating incorrect answers helps you, and then go over some specific strategies you can use to eliminate wrong answers on Reading, Writing, and Math. How Eliminating Incorrect Answers Helps You The guessing penalty may be gone, but that doesn’t mean you should throw careful thought to the wind and randomly choose an answer on any question you are remotely stumped on. If you guess randomly on an SAT multiple-choice question, which has four choices, your chances of guessing the correct answer are 25%. If you can eliminate one wrong answer, those chances jump to 33%. If you can eliminate two, those chances jump even higher, to 50%. This means that even if you can’t definitively identify the correct answer, eliminating wrong answers will be a huge help. In the next sections, I’ll present some strategies on eliminating wrong answers for each of the multiple choice sections- Reading, Writing and Language, and Math.Math actually has two multiple choice sections- no-calculator and calculator- but the elimination strategies are pretty much the same for both. Every practice problem comes from this free practice test released by the College Board. Look there for the complete passages for the Reading and Writing sections. STRATEGY! 4 Strategies to Eliminate Wrong Answers on Reading Here are four main strategies to eliminate wrong answers on Reading: plugging answers into the passage, honing in on modifiers, applying abstract answers to the passage, and leveraging â€Å"find the evidence† question pairs. For each strategy, I’ll present a practice question with an explanation to show the skills in action. Strategy #1: Plug It In You’ve probably heard â€Å"plug it in† most commonly as an elimination strategy for math tests. But you can do it on other kinds of multiple choice questions, too.For Reading, this strategy comes into play for any question that asks you to define a word or phrase in the passage. You can replace the word in question with each of the answer choices in turn- essentially plugging the answers back into the passage in place of the original word or phrase- and then eliminate the ones that don’t make sense in context. Example: The short paragraph that contains line 2 reads, â€Å"Akira came directly, breaking all tradition. Was that it? Had he followed form- had he asked his mother to speak to his father to approach a go-between- would Chie have been more receptive?† If we replace â€Å"form† with choice (A), â€Å"appearance,† we get, â€Å"Had he followed appearance.† This clearly doesn’t make sense. How do you â€Å"follow† appearance? Eliminate it. If we replace â€Å"form† with choice (B), â€Å"custom,† we get, â€Å"Had he followed custom.† This sounds much better; â€Å"following custom† is a logical phrase that refers to sticking to tradition. Keep it. If we replace â€Å"form† with choice (C), â€Å"structure,† we get â€Å"Had he followed structure.† How do you â€Å"follow† structure in this context? He’s not building anything; he’s asking for Naomi’s hand in marriage. Eliminate (C). Finally, if we replace â€Å"form† with (D), â€Å"nature,† we get â€Å"Had he followed nature.† This doesn’t make sense, either- not only is it an awkward-sounding phrase, it doesn’t make sense in the context of the passage. There’s nothing â€Å"natural† about marriage customs; they are created by people. Eliminate (D). By â€Å"plugging in† the answers, we can eliminate the wrong choices one by one and determine that (B) is actually the only choice that makes sense. This is a strategy that works for any reading questions that ask you to define a word or phrase in context. Plugging it in: the next best thing when you don't have a dictionary. Strategy #2: Hone in on Modifiers and Descriptors Answers on SAT reading questions often contain descriptive modifiers, seen in phrases like â€Å"impassioned plea,† â€Å"desperate request,† and so on. It might be tempting to sort of gloss over the sea of modifiers when you are scanning responses, but don’t! You can use these modifiers to help you eliminate incorrect answers. The modifiers are often what most differentiates one answer choice from another. Example: As you can see, there are all kinds of descriptive modifiers in these answers. Choice (A) has â€Å"careful,† â€Å"traditional; (B) has â€Å"detailed,† â€Å"meaningful,†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (C) has â€Å"definitive,†; and (D) has â€Å"cheerful† and â€Å"amusing.† Let’s hone in on the modifiers in the above question for practice. Choice (A) describes the development of the passage as a â€Å"careful analysis of a traditional practice.† Certainly a â€Å"traditional practice†- using go-betweens to propose marriage- is a major subject of this passage. But is there careful analysis of this practice? â€Å"Careful† implies that the analysis is methodical or systematic, while this passage is only concerned with relating one anecdote. This is not â€Å"careful.† We can eliminate (A) based on this modifier. In answer (B), the passage is described as a â€Å"detailed description of a meaningful encounter.† The description here can definitely be described as â€Å"detailed.† The conversation is brief, but the passage is over a page long. It’s also about a marriage proposal, which is usually significant and emotional, so it seems reasonable to describe the encounter as â€Å"meaningful.† Let’s keep (B) in the running. Choice (C) describes the passage as â€Å"a definitive response to a series of questions.† Well, one question is definitely being asked here- Akira is asking for Naomi’s hand. But is there a definitive, or final, response? Chie gives no answer, so no. (C) can be eliminated. In choice (D) the passage is termed â€Å"a cheerful recounting of an amusing anecdote.† This passage concerns a serious matter, that of a marriage that could involve Chie’s daughter moving to another continent. So it’s not really appropriate to call this anecdote â€Å"amusing† or the recounting of events â€Å"cheerful.† Eliminate (D). By focusing on the modifiers and descriptors, we can eliminate answers in turn until we are left with the correct answer, (B). It’s important to pay close attention to these words since they are often what really separates the answers from each other! Don't let modifiers cloud your judgment- use them! Strategy #3: Apply an Abstract Answer to the Passage What do I mean by this? Well, lots of SAT reading questions have answer choices that are written in the abstract: instead of identifying a specific character, answers will say â€Å"one character,† or â€Å"a character†; instead of identifying a specific event, answer choices will say â€Å"an event,† or â€Å"a moment,†; and so on. The general, vague-sounding way these answers are phrased can make it hard to confidently eliminate answer choices. You can get around this problem by explicitly applying the general, abstract statements in the answer choices to concrete elements of the passage. This makes it much easier to spot answer choices that don’t fit. Example: In this question, all of the answer choices are presented as abstract statements, describing â€Å"one character† and â€Å"another character† without linking these pronouncements to specific characters that appear in the passage. If you can apply these vague, nonspecific answer choices explicitly to elements in the passage, in this case by identifying which characters are being referred to, it will be much easier to spot incorrect answers. Answer choice (A) says that, â€Å"one character argues with another character who intrudes on her home.† Well, the scene takes place in Chie’s home, and the only character who does not live there is Akira. We could rewrite this choice, then, as â€Å"Chie argues with Akira, who intrudes on her home.† But they don’t argue, and Akira is hardly an intruder- he is announced with a calling card, and Chie goes to meet him. So we can eliminate choice (A). Answer choice (B) says that one character receives a surprising request from another character. Who makes a request in this passage, and of whom? Well, Akira requests Naomi’s hand in marriage from Chie, her mother. So we could rewrite this answer as â€Å"Chie receives a surprising request from Akira.† This seems reasonable; we will keep this choice in mind. Answer choice (C) says that â€Å"one character reminisces about choices she has made over the years.† Since â€Å"she† is used, it would have to be either Chie or Naomi reminiscing. Naomi is only 18, so it wouldn’t make much sense for her to be reminiscing about her choices â€Å"over the years.† That leaves Chie. So stated in concrete terms, choice (C) would read, â€Å"Chie reminisces about choices she has made over the years.† But that’s not a good description what happens in the passage- it doesn’t mention either Akira or Naomi at all, who are also key players here. (C) can be eliminated. Answer choice (D) states, â€Å"One character criticizes another character for pursuing an unexpected course of action.† Well, from the passage we know that Akira is doing several unexpected things. He shows up at a time when he is not expected, and he is going to America, and he is asking for Naomi’s hand.So he may be â€Å"pursuing an unexpected course of action.† The only character he interacts with substantively in the passage is Chie, so we would have to rewrite this answer choice as, â€Å"Chie criticizes Akira for pursuing an unexpected course of action.† But Chie doesn’t really criticize Akira- the only things she says to Akira are to congratulate him for his position in America and to ask whether Naomi knows he wants to marry her. (D) can be eliminated. With that, we’ve eliminated every answer but (B). (I swear it’s only a coincidence that all of these sample questions have B answers!) By rewriting answer choices that are offered in general or abstract terms so they are more concretely linked to the passage, we can more easily eliminate wrong answers. SAT Reading: the floral edition. Strategy #4: Leverage "Find the Evidence" Question Pairs "Find the Evidence" question pairs are a new question type on the revised SAT. These question pairs will first ask you something about the passage and then to find evidence that supports your previous answer in a follow-up question. Sometimes you can leverage these â€Å"find the evidence† pairs to eliminate wrong answers. Because you know that the answers have to go together, you can eliminate from the first question question answers that don’t have a corresponding piece of evidence in the second question. Example: To make explaining this example a little clearer, here are the complete â€Å"evidence† answer choices for question 14 written out: Many relish the opportunity to buy presents because gift-giving offers a powerful means to build stronger bonds with one’s closest peers. People buy gifts that recipients would not choose to buy on their own. Research has found that people often struggle to take account of others’ perspectives. Although a link between gift price and feelings of appreciation might seem intuitive to gift-givers, such an assumption may be unfounded. If you’re stumped by the first question in an evidence pair, try to match answers from the first question to â€Å"evidence† answers from the second question in the pair. If there’s no matching evidence in the second question, you can confidently eliminate the answer from the first question. You may not always be able to eliminate all answers this way, but all eliminations help! Let’s work through the above example. In question 13, answer choice (A) states that people value gift-giving as a â€Å"form of self-expression.† Is there any matching evidence in question 14? Answer choice (B) says that gift-givers buy gifts that recipients might not buy on their own, but that’s not the same thing as a gift functioning as â€Å"self-expression.† Similarly, for choice (C), the fact that people â€Å"struggle to take account of others’ perspectives† doesn’t necessarily mean that people are expressing themselves when they buy gifts. There’s not really matching evidence in question 14, so we can eliminate choice (A) from question 13. Moving on to the next answer choice for question 13, choice (B) says that people value gifts as â€Å"an inexpensive way to show appreciation.† Are there any answers in question 14 that support this? None of the answer choices mention price except for (D), which says that gift-givers assume price and level appreciation expressed are linked. The idea that gift-givers give more expensive gifts to show more appreciation directly contradicts the idea that people use inexpensive gifts to show appreciation! So there’s no evidence to match (B) and we can eliminate it from the running for question 13. Question 13’s choice (C) suggests that people value gifts because givers are required to reciprocate. There’s nothing about reciprocating, or giving gifts in return, in any of question 14’s evidence answer choices. Eliminate (C). This leaves us with choice (D) for question 13, which states that people value gifts as a means to strengthen relationships. When we scan question 14’s answers, we can see that answer choice (A) states that people value gift-giving as a chance to build stronger bonds. This matches up perfectly with answer (D). So (D) for question 13 and (A) for question 14 are the correct answers! It might seem a little tedious to use this matching strategy, but it pays off: we got two "sure bet" right answers this way! Note that you won’t always be able to eliminate all wrong answers with this strategy- sometimes the question writers like to have a couple of matching evidence pairs to stump you. Elementary, my dear Watson. That sums up my four helpful strategies to eliminate answers on the SAT Reading section: plugging in the answer choices when you are asked to define a word or phrase, honing in on descriptive modifiers, linking abstract answer choices to specific characters and moments in the passage, and leveraging evidence-based question pairs. Note that you might sometimes want to use a combination of strategies to eliminate answers for a given question if it’s appropriate to do so. Now on to Writing! Three Strategies to Eliminate Wrong Answers on Writing Because good things come in threes, I have three helpful strategies to eliminate wrong answers in writing. First up is my perennial favorite, plugging in the answer. Then I’ll cover spotting common grammatical errors, and finally, using topic sentences. Once again, you can (and should!) use multiple strategies to eliminate wrong answer choices on the test. I’ll mostly focus on one strategy per example question, but occasionally I might mention another strategy in my explanation where appropriate. Strategy #1: Plugging in the Answer It’s our favorite strategy, plugging in the answer! Yes, this is going to appear as an elimination strategy for all three SAT section types. That’s because it’s effective for any question where you can replace something in the passage (or question) with each of the answer choices and see how it works out. This strategy is helpful for tons of questions on writing: not just on questions where you need to choose the correct word or phrase to complete a sentence, but also on paragraph completion questions where you need to choose where it makes the most sense to place a sentence. It’s a very versatile technique. Example: The sentence that goes with the above question is â€Å"Because consumers reap the nutritional benefits of Greek yogurt and support those who make and sell it, therefore farmers and businesses should continue finding safe and effective methods of producing the food.† We don’t need to â€Å"plug in† answer choice (A), NO CHANGE, as it’s already plugged in to the sentence, but we can read it aloud to ourselves to see how it sounds. It’s very awkward to have â€Å"therefore† in the middle of the sentence. If it sounds awkward, it’s usually wrong. Even if you don’t know the specific grammatical rule at play, you can always be sure that the SAT prioritizes writing that is clear and straightforward. So if something sounds weird to you, odds are it’s a wrong answer. Eliminate (A). If we plug answer choice (B) into the sentence, we get, â€Å"Because consumers reap the nutritional benefits of Greek yogurt and support those who make and sell it, farmers and businesses should continue finding safe and effective methods of producing the food.† This sounds pretty natural and clear. On SAT writing, if it sounds natural, there’s a decent chance it’s the correct answer. (If you do know the grammar, you’ll know that this sentence is correct because we have a dependent clause beginning with â€Å"because† linked with a comma to an independent clause, starting with â€Å"farmers.†) Either way, keep (B). If we plug in answer choice (C), we get, â€Å"Because consumers reap the nutritional benefits of Greek yogurt and support those who make and sell it, so farmers and businesses should continue finding safe and effective methods of producing the food.† This one sounds awkward, too. â€Å"Because† beginning the sentence and then â€Å"so† right in the middle of the sentence sounds redundant and weird. Get rid of it! Eliminate choice (C). With answer choice (D) plugged in, the sentence reads as, â€Å"Because consumers reap the nutritional benefits of Greek yogurt and support those who make and sell it: farmers and businesses should continue finding safe and effective methods of producing the food.† This sounds sort of okay. Let’s keep it for now. After plugging in answer choices we’ve eliminated choices (A) and (C) since they sound awkward right off the bat. So now we have answers (B) and (D) left to choose from. To get the right answer here, it would be helpful if we knew the rules for colon usage: colons should only be used to separate two independent clauses where the second one logically follows the first, or to begin a list. So answer choice (D) doesn’t qualify; this leaves (B) as the only viable answer choice. But even if we didn’t know that, if we could determine that choice (B) definitely made a correct sentence, we could be pretty sure that it was the correct answer. There is only ever one indisputably correct choice on the SAT, so if one answer is definitely right, all the other answers have to be wrong. Plug in those answers like your electric guitar! Strategy #2: Spotting Common Grammatical Errors If you have a solid understanding of some common grammatical errors, you can often eliminate at least some answers to any question on the writing section easily because they contain a common error. Example: We don’t even need to look at the sentence in the passage this question is referring to in order to start eliminating answers: choices (B) and (D) both use apostrophes improperly in a plural word. Apostrophes are only appropriate to indicate possession (like â€Å"Cady’s bike†) or create contractions (like â€Å"can’t† and â€Å"won’t†). By knowing this common grammatical error and being able to spot it, we just upped our chances of guessing the correct answer from 25% to 50% in one fell swoop. We’re now left with (A), â€Å"No Change,† and (D), â€Å"could have polluted waterways.† We can plug these last two choices into the sentence to find the correct answer. With choice (A), the sentence reads, â€Å"If it is improperly introduced into the environment, acid-whey runoff can pollute waterways, depleting the oxygen content of streams and rivers as it decomposes.† This sounds pretty good. Let’s leave choice (A) in the running. What about if we plug in choice (D)? Then we have the sentence, â€Å"If it is improperly introduced into the environment, acid-whey runoff could have polluted waterways, depleting the oxygen content of streams and rivers as it decomposes.† If this sounds awkward, it’s because it is. This is the wrong answer because it introduces a new, non-matching verb tense into the sentence. But what you mostly need to know is that it sounds awkward and wrong, which in writing is generally a good reason to eliminate an answer. Goodbye to (D)! This leaves us with (A), â€Å"No change,† as the correct answer. Hurrah! In addition to improper apostrophe use, some other common grammatical errors you might use to eliminate answers on the writing section include: Incorrect idiom phrases (like â€Å"could of† instead of â€Å"could have†) Incorrect pronoun usage (phrases like â€Å"whom goes† instead of â€Å"who goes†) Modifier errors: adjectives/adverbs appearing in the wrong place in a phrase and/or in the wrong form (like â€Å"teach in a way more effectively† instead of â€Å"teach in a more effective way† or even just â€Å"teach more effectively†). Hopefully there's not an explosion every time you find an error. Strategy #3: Using Topic Sentences On questions that are primarily about argument quality or the structure of a piece, topic sentences are your best friends. They help clue you into the structure of a written piece and help you know what details are most important. You can use these clues to eliminate answers. Example: This question is asking us to choose the sentence part that will provide the most relevant detail. For a detail to be relevant, it needs to be related to the topic of the paragraph it’s contained in. How do we know what’s most relevant to a particular paragraph? The topic sentence. So scan back up to the topic sentence of this paragraph: â€Å"The main environmental problem caused by the production of Greek yogurt is the creation of acid whey as a by-product.†This paragraph, then, is about environmental problems associated with the whey by-products of Greek Yogurt. Do any of the answers seem relevant to this topic? With choice (A), â€Å"No Change,† the complete sentence reads, â€Å"They can add it to livestock feed as a protein supplement, and people can make their own Greek-style yogurt at home by straining regular yogurt.† Well, making your own yogurt might have something to do with sustainability, which might be relevant to environmental problems. We’ll leave this answer in for now. Choice (B) discusses converting Greek Yogurt by-products into gas to use as fuel. This seems like it could be related to the environment because it’s about recycling the whey by-products. Leave in (B). Choice (C) mentions that a different kind of whey is more desirable for human consumption. Does this have anything to do with the environment? Nope. Say goodbye to (C). Choice D) just further elaborates on the nutritional value of the yogurt-based supplement for livestock. That’s not particularly relevant to our overall topic of the whey by-product and the environment. Eliminate (D). We are now left with two answers: choice (A), which discusses people making their own Greek yogurt, and choice (B), which discusses some further options for Greek yogurt whey by-product disposal. If we look at the sentence that comes before this one in the passage, it says, â€Å"To address the problem of disposal, farmers have found a number of uses for acid whey.† People making their own yogurt, as in (A), doesn’t seem as relevant to alternate uses for acid whey as using the whey for electricity. So we can eliminate (A), leaving us with (B) as the best answer. Thus, topic sentences are a key tool to highlight what’s most important in a given paragraph when we are trying to eliminate wrong answers. Thanks, topic sentences! This delicious yogurt has a dark secret...dastardly whey by-products! Four Strategies to Eliminate Wrong Answers in Math Math is the subject where you may feel the most lost on questions if you don’t have any idea what the answer is. But you can guess effectively even if you don’t fully understand a question. My four strategies for eliminating answers on SAT Math questions are plugging it in (of course!), testing the models, replacing variables with real numbers, and paying close attention to signs. Strategy #1: Plug It In Ah, yes, the mother of all answer-eliminating strategies when you are stumped on an algebra-related problem on a math test.Take the given answer choices and plug them back into the equation(s) to see if they work. Example: This one has two equations, but don’t be stumped by this. The solution has to work in both equations, so plug the values into the top equation first. If it doesn’t work there, eliminate the answer choice; if it does, move on to the bottom equation. Let’s try answer choice (A), in which $x=-5$ and $y=-2$.Plugging these values in to the first equation gives us: $$3(-5)+4(-2)=$$$$(-15)+(-8)=-23$$ That matches the top equation’s solution of -23, so we’ll move on to the bottom equation.In the second equation, we get: $$2(-2)-(-5)=$$$$(-4)-(-5)=$$ $$(-4)+5=1$$ That does not match the bottom equation’s solution of -19, so we can eliminate (A) as a choice. On to answer (B), in which $x=3$ and $y=-8$.Plugging these values in to the first equation gives us: $$3(3)+4(-8)=$$$$9+(-32)=-23$$ This matches the top equation’s solution of -23, so we’ll move on to the bottom equation.In the second equation, we get: $$2(-8)-(3)=$$$$-16-3=-19$$ That does match the bottom equation’s solution of -19. (B) is the correct answer!If you want to double-check, you could plug in the next answers to make sure they are wrong. I won’t go through that here, though. So you can see that just so long as you know where to put the numbers, plugging the answer choices back into the equation is a very effective answer-eliminating strategy. Where do all the numbers go? Strategy #2: Test the Model On the revised SAT there are a variety of questions about mathematical modeling- creating and understanding equations that model real-world situations. On these questions, you can often use the model to eliminate incorrect answers (and/or to find the correct answer). Example: You don’t actually need to understand exactly what the different terms in the model mean to answer this question, you just need to be able to plug numbers into the model and identify the resulting pattern. Since you are trying to find the estimated increase of the boy’s height every year from 2 to 5, just â€Å"run† the model from years 2 and 5 and see what the height increase is from year to year. At year 2, that would be $h=3(2)+28.6$ or $34.6$ At year 3, that would be $h=3(3)+28.6$ or $37.6$ At year 4, that would be $h=3(4)+28.6$ or $40.6$ At year 5, that would be $h=3(5)+28.6$ or $43.6$ See a pattern? Every year, the boy’s height is increasing by 3 inches. So the answer is (A), 3. You can eliminate all the other answers. Of course, if you understand the way the model works, you’ll know that the boy’s average estimated height increase per year is 3 because 3 is the coefficient in front of $a$, the boy’s age. But even if you don’t, you can still answer this question with math answer-elimination techniques! Go math go! Strategy #3: Replace Variables With Real Numbers Replacing variables with real numbers in math problems often makes them easier to conceptualize. Obviously, you can’t do this when you are solving an algebra problem with a specific solution, but if you’re working with an expression, it’s a solid strategy. Note that it’s best to pick an easy-to-manipulate number that’s not 0 or 1. Example: For this problem, the first part says that $x3$. So be sure to pick a number greater than 3 to represent $x$! We need to find the answer that is equivalent to the expression Let’s pick the number 5 to stand in for $x$. Then we have $${1}/{1/(5+2)+1/(5+3)}$$ which simplifies to $${1}/{1/7+1/8}$$ which further simplifies to $${1}/{15/56}$$ which = $$56/15$$ Given that this term simplifies to $56/15$ in fractional terms, we can eliminate answers (C) and (D) without testing them because those clearly won’t equal $56/15$ if we substitute 5 for $x$. That leaves us with (A) and (B) to test. If we replace $x$ with 5 for answer (A), we get $${2(5)+5}/{5^2+5(5)+6}$$ which = $15/56$. This isn’t quite right- we are looking for $56/15$! We can eliminate choice (A). But answer (B) is just answer (A) with the numerator and denominator flipped. So that would be $56/15$ with 5 standing in for $x$. That’s our answer! (In an unrelated note, I’m apparently really, really good at picking sample questions with (B) as the answer.) Thus, replacing variables with real numbers can help you choose an answer if you are having trouble manipulating the variables. Just be sure you choose a number that makes for relatively easy math and that you’re internally consistent- i.e. don’t start out substituting 10 for $x$ and then start substituting 8 for $x$ later in the same problem. Illuminate the answer by plugging in some real numbers! Strategy #4: Pay Close Attention to Signs Paying close attention to positive and negative signs is hugely important when you are trying to eliminate answers that are clearly wrong on the Math test. Example: Let’s say you have no idea how to approach $i$ even with the helpful info that it is the square root of -1. That doesn’t mean all is lost on this question! You can see from the answers that the first term of the answer is either -1 or 15.You are trying to add $(7+3i)$ and $(-8+9i)$. Even if you have no idea how to deal with the imaginary number terms, you know you have a positive 7 and a negative 8! Would it make sense for $7+(-8)$ to lead to a first term of positive 15? no! The 7 is positive and the 8 is negative, so how would you reach 15? You can eliminate the answer choices that start with 15, choice (C) and choice (D). This leaves you with choices (A) and (B).So how to choose between them? Well, you have a positive $3i$ and a positive $9i$. Does it make sense for these to add up to $-6i$, like in (B)? Do two positives ever add up to a negative? No! Eliminate (B). This leaves choice (A) as the answer. By thinking carefully about the positive and negative signs in the question and our answer choices, we were able to eliminate answers without needing to understand what $i$ meant at all! Follow the signs. That wraps up my math answer eliminating strategies: plug in answers, test models, replace variables with real numbers, and pay attention to signs! Key Takeaways With the guessing penalty gone, you should answer every multiple-choice question on the SAT. But don’t just guess randomly- guess smart! These are my best answer-eliminating strategies for each section: Reading Plug the answer choices into the passage Hone in on modifiers Link abstract answers to concrete elements of the passage Leverage â€Å"find the evidence† question pairs Writing Plug the answer choices into the passage Spot common grammatical errors Use topic sentences Math Plug the answer choices into the problem Test the model(s) Replace variables with numbers Pay attention to signs! With these elimination strategies in mind, you can up your guessing game so instead of picking random answers, you’re guessing strategically when you don’t know the answer to a question. What's Next? Wondering what to expect on SAT test day? Let us tell you! If you're worried aboutSAT Math, see our key tips for success.More concerned about SAT Reading? See our 5-step process.If SAT Writing is your primary concern, see our key tips for SAT Writing and Language. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:

Friday, February 21, 2020

Apply the Three-Step Writing Process to business communication Essay

Apply the Three-Step Writing Process to business communication. Establish brief and effective business communication routines - Essay Example Persuasive messages have also been used in this trade. They have been used to get different parties interested in the projects and dealings they are in. This paper will review the importance of persuasive messages in attaining the desired results. When projects are about to be started in any organization, it is the manager’s job to persuade others to follow. Without effective communication as to how the project will help them, it is almost impossible to have the task done (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). This is where the manager or person in charge will employ the three step writing process. It will be used to write a persuasive message to the subordinates or other parties pertinent to the project. With the employment of this method of writing, the person in charge should be knowledgeable on how to reach the audience (Perloff, 2010). Trying to convince the managers at whole foods market about the new program will require a persuasive e-mail. This may be used to have them excited about helping with the expanding of the project. The following is an e-mail that will be addressed to the managers at the Whole Foods Markets trying to get them interested in the program developed to help the market reach to more people and also, be appreciated more. Hello, hope your days are filled with good tidings. The reason for writing this message is to find the best solution to the program we developed earlier. The program was about the donation of food to many more parts than the occasional parts usually reached. As seen earlier, the program has been much appreciated by all the people who have sampled some of your products. It will be of great importance if a far broader outreach was created to get to them on a more occasional basis. The project may help benefit this program more with all the places we may get to take your products. Some of your ideas are welcome to ensure that we come up with the best possible way to go about this project. We appeal to